We've all been there, seen that sexy ass chick with a douchebag(commonly seen at Chicken-Fil-A ordering waffle fries). Theres no denying the appeal of a Douchebag, shiny teeth, spiked hair, your little brothers muscle tee, the aroma of Drakkar, techo music blaring from a lifted truck, the nautical star tattoo, hair longer than your grandma's, shirtless in church, Bono's sunglasses, sweatier than Karl Malone, that dam bandanna, bling swinging, lips pouting, and greasy foreheads. Douchebags pervade our culture and its time to take a stance. Legendary douche bags Richard Grieco(21 jumpstreet), Don Johnson( his name speaks for himself) and Paul Hogan (everywoman loves an Austrailian Accent) seemed harmless. Not so in today's world, from your daughter's highschool to the your neighborhood dive bar. These guys are bumping and grinding hot chicks with their denim cocks at your local club. It's time to fight back, hopefully this site will educate you about the dangers of douchebaggery. Hide your girlfriends, wives, daughters, grandmothers and aunties. These guys are on the loose and they're horny!
What's funny is that we've all been douche bags before. Women love assholes. The problem with douche bags ala 2008 is that they're pussys! At least when I was a douche bag, I was gangster about it. Look at this fake baked, tight shirt, bitches. I'm embarrassed for them and for the dumb chix who hang with them.
dear i can't be silenced,
i dont think gangsters or post-gangsters are on the internet, let alone have their own blogs.
dear i can't be silenced,
i dont think gangsters or post-gangsters are on the internet, let alone have their own blogs.
you think that guy is a douchebag?
he was just on his way to film a gay gangbang flinstones porno and thought he would take a picture with a young fan.
She just hasn't swallowed (food) in weeks so she's just looking for a protein fix. Isn't every young bulemic skank on atkins?
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